

Join Us

Every life we touch yields a part of the formula showing “someone cares.” We can only hope Women Working Wonders assistance will make a difference in the lives of each individual, family and organization we touch. Join us today.

Please fill out the form below and indicate the level of membership that interests you.

Required information is bold

Type of Membership

Voting Member
    $1,000 annual contribution. Invited to participate in meetings, activities and be a scout to find needs.
Contributing Member
    $500 annual contribution. Informed of activities and invited to an annual thank you event.
Donating Member
    $100 annual contribution. Informed of activities.


The above form is your pledge to join Women Working Wonders. Please mail your check to:

Women Working Wonders
73101 Highway 111, Suite 2
Palm Desert, California 92260


Sign Up to Volunteer

Help make a difference in someone’s life. Let’s increase the GNH (Gross National Happiness) Factor. Just fill out the form below and someone will contact you.

Required information is bold


Make a Donation

Take a moment of your time to consider making either a one time donation or a monthly pledge. No matter the amount or duration of your commitment, all donations to our 501 C3 organization are tax deductible.

A secure donation can be made online through PayPal. Click the Donate button located directly below.

Donate Button


To donate to the Gozzer Ranch Chapter please click the donate button below.

Gozzer Ranch Chapter Donate