Inspiration thru Art
WWW has founded and sponsors a curriculum class once a month at Coachella Valley Rescue Mission CVRM.
We began this curriculum in April 2015 and the purpose was two fold…to provide a vehicle for individuals in our community to volunteer to share a skill or interest with those in need and to provide the knowledge of that skill/hobby to the individuals at CVRM
August Inspiring Class was Painting.
Paint, Sip & Inspire brings the party to various locations around town.A great work of art inspires people to wax poetic about anything. One look at a magnificently-painted canvas and you can almost hear women swoon or men’s heart flutter. Such is the effect of a few well-placed brush strokes and good choices of color.
For one, art moves people emotionally like nothing else can. Art takes them to places in their mind that they wouldn’t otherwise go to, makes them feel things that they never knew they could feel. Here’s to inpiring individuals in our community thru great curriculm classes like Painting.
To learn more please go to: