Project Debbie Update

Debbie has had a busy spring!

MAY 2013
She participated in the 5th Annual Braille Institute Golf Tournament. You can watch this video for a summary of the event. Debbie knitted small bags for all the volunteers and appears on the video around minute 19 distributing her bags.


Debbie joined the Knitting Guild of the Desert as they celebrated World Wide Knitting in Public Day on June 13th. The group placed legwarmers on the Marilyn statue in Palm Springs.

She’s been making good progress learning how to use her IPad Mini, much to the thanks of
Dan Reynolds, her teacher at the Connection Point at the Braille Institute in Rancho Mirage, CA.

She teaches weekly classes in knitting and crocheting at Braille.

The Yarn Company of Palm Desert welcomes Debbie almost every Saturday and days she doesn’t attend classes at Braille. Her smile and cheerful attitude brightens everyone’s day. Stop by and meet her!

Debbie continues her progress towards more independence. In May, WWW helped her purchase a Jitterbug telephone. Her knitting projects have earned her income to pay for the phone and maintain the monthly fee.
We helped her learn how to use the phone and continue to be there for her whenever she has questions or needs more assistance. We’re learning about the Jitterbug phone and the IPad Mini right along with her!!

Watch for a picture of her latest knitted blanket!

You can support Debbie and WWW’s Project Debbie by ordering her hand-knit items.


Child’s Hooded Sweater with Zipper in the Back

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