Bringing Self Esteem to Victims of Sexual Assault

Coordinated sexual assault response teams or programs are generally designed to ensure that victims are provided with a broad range of necessary care and services (legal, medical, social services) and to increase the likelihood that the assault can be successfully prosecuted. Often, such programs or teams include a forensic examiner, a sexual assault advocate, a prosecutor, and a law enforcement officer. All responding actors follow specific protocols that set out their responsibilities in treating and providing services to victims of sexual assault.

Eisenhower Medical Center is the home of the only SART team in the Coachella Valley.

Following the forensic examination at Eisenhower Hospital required by law, the victim’s clothing must be relinquished as evidence before they leave the hospital. They suffer yet another indignity as they were required to return home in hospital scrubs and often without undergarments.

At this traumatic time, it’s often the smallest gesture that can mean the most.

Women Working Wonders, working with Coachella Valley Sexual Abuse Services (CVSAS) ensures there is always new clothing available for every individual victim who needs it, from new bras and panties to t-shirts and pants.

For the youngest victims who are treated at the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center, among the things we provide are socks and toys. This year we also worked with the center to reupholster the children’s examining table.

And sometimes it’s just making the right connections – we reconnected the CVSAS & BSCC with our local Project Linus group, who provide comforting new hand-made blankets.

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